DRJ Fall 2019
DRJ Fall 2019 - Innovations in Managing Risk and Resiliency Phoenix, AZ
DRJ Fall 2019 - Innovations in Managing Risk and Resiliency Phoenix, AZ
UC Berkeley’s David Ackerly and Bruce Riordan will outline current and projected climate impacts for the Bay Area and California, including sea level rise, wildfires, heatwaves, extreme storms and more.
BCI World 2019 London, UK
Julia Halsne: Game of Thrones and Business Continuity - How to survive even if you are not the mother of dragons?
Please join us for BRMA's premier event, the annual membership luncheon on December 5, 2019 at Historic John’s Grill in downtown San Francisco!
Regina Phelps kicks off 2020 with this serious question: How would you continue through extended periods with minimum resources?
Please join us for a facilitated discussion dedicated to top of mind issues and temporary solutions related to the 2019-nCoV response.
Please join us for the second facilitated discussion dedicated to top of mind issues and temporary solutions related to the 2019-nCoV response.
Aaron Nasi of Twilio will share his knowledge on IT Disaster Recovery in the Cloud.
DRI 2020 - The Business Continuity Conference Savannah, GA