BRMA’s bringing events to the South Bay! Following our meeting at Redwood City in April, I am delighted to announce we are hosting a special event on July 18 in Santa Clara. Not to be missed! We have lined up two excellent speakers to present on cyber security. Come hear tips to improve effectiveness and resiliency relative to your information security program, and also hear more about the Wild West of Conference Apps Security! Pay particular attention to the earlier start time, but be sure to stay for lunch and network too. And mark your calendar for September 25, when we will be taken on a tour of a state-of-the-art data center in San Jose, followed by a tech talk. For more details about these and other BRMA events see Upcoming Events below, and be sure to check the website often.
I wanted to share good news. Our membership numbers are rising! Thank you to all members who brought guests to recent meetings. Please make a point of getting to know your peers. And, never shy away from inviting a friend or colleague to a meeting where they might benefit from our offering.