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BIA Repository: Equipment Assessment Questions

4 Posts
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Shane Mathew
Posts: 14
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Overview: Assessing the equipment used by departments to support time-sensitive functions is an essential part of the Business Impact Analysis (BIA). This section focuses on identifying and documenting the critical equipment required to maintain essential operations. Understanding this equipment's role helps in planning for contingencies and ensuring business continuity.


Please share your methodology or sample questions you use when assessing the equipment needed for time-sensitive functions. You can include text and/or attach relevant screenshots for clarity.

Key Areas to Address:

  • Methodology: Describe your approach to identifying and documenting critical equipment.
  • Sample Questions: Share examples of the questions you ask to gather necessary information.
  • Best Practices: Highlight any tips or best practices that have worked well for you.

Example Contribution: Methodology: We conduct a detailed inventory of all equipment used by the department, focusing on those that support time-sensitive functions. This includes interviews with department heads and reviews of equipment logs.

Sample Questions:

- List the equipment used by the department to support all the functions determined to be time-sensitive.

- How critical is each piece of equipment to the operation of the department's functions?

- Are there backup systems or alternatives available for this equipment?

- What are the maintenance requirements and schedules for this equipment?

- Who is responsible for the maintenance and operation of this equipment?

Best Practices:

- Maintain an up-to-date inventory list with detailed descriptions and specifications of each piece of equipment.

- Regularly review and update the equipment list to reflect any changes or additions.

- Identify and document backup systems or alternatives for critical equipment.

- Establish clear maintenance schedules and responsibilities to ensure equipment readiness.


  • Confidentiality: Do not include any confidential or sensitive information from your organization.
  • Tags: Tag your response appropriately so others can easily search and find your contribution.

Your contributions will help in building a comprehensive understanding of the critical equipment required for time-sensitive functions, which is essential for developing an effective Business Continuity Strategy.

3 Replies
Kevin Low
Posts: 6
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Joined: 1 year ago

This one depends on the type of company we work for.  I can see a manufacturing operation needing to know more about specific equipment.  I am curious about what others may say about this subject.

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Joined: 6 years ago

Active Member
Posts: 4

@klowpurestorage-com  Agreed. The most use for this section would be for organizations in the manufacturing section, however, Pharma or research sectors could also use this section for special equipment. Another use may be in Technology Impact analysis to capture the specific assets as well

Posts: 1
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Joined: 2 years ago

I'd like to hear more about this topic with responses from others.
