Blog – ASIS Earthquake Tabletop Exercise at eBay

Blog – ASIS Earthquake Tabletop Exercise at eBay

Blog written by Renuka Darbha, BRMA President

ASIS International SF Bay Area Chapter hosts Industry Professionals in Live Tabletop Exercise

April 18, 2024, the Bay Area commemorated the 118th anniversary of one its  most significant earthquakes – the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake.  As the date unfolded, BRMA participated in a dynamic live tabletop exercise hosted by the ASIS International SF Bay Area Chapter at eBay in San Jose, CA. 

Emergency Management and Business Continuity experts from diverse industries gathered to simulate a massive earthquake scenario. The room buzzed with discussions around response strategies, recovery plans, and collaboration. As the virtual tremors shook our imaginations, we navigated through the chaos, making split-second decisions and learning from each other’s expertise.

One of the exercise’s highlights was the opportunity to connect with peers from various organizations. We swapped insights, shared best practices, and debated innovative approaches. Whether it was optimizing communication channels during a crisis or fine-tuning supply chain resilience, the collective wisdom in the room was invaluable.

Special thank you to Michelle (Geckler) Killion (OnSolve) for inviting us to participate in the exercise.  

Thanks to ASIS International SF Bay Area Chapter and eBay for the hospitality!

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