A big shout out to the BRMA members and their spouses/partners who volunteered their time to support the Butte County fire victims in March. Thank you for your service. Read Norma Ortiz’s story here and Julia Halsne’s story here.
Nearly 2 million American workers report having been victims of workplace violence each year, and many more cases go unreported*. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) defines workplace violence as any act or threat of physical violence, harassment, intimidation or other threatening disruptive behavior that occurs at the worksite.
We have designed a special three-part program specifically to address workplace violence. This month (April) we are grateful to the Redwood City Police Department and SWAT team for designing an interactive training exercise specially for BRMA. This will be followed two weeks later by a webinar to be presented by ex-Secret Service agent, Jason Russell of Firestorm, focused on the latest concepts across prevention, response and crisis management. We’ll conclude with a panel discussion in May when our speakers will share their experiences of preparing for and/or actual workplace violence situations within their own organizations and tie back into lessons learned in the prior two sessions. I encourage you to sign up for all three events to get a comprehensive view of this important topic. Guests may attend one meeting for free.